Random: Valentine’s Dinner

sd530706So, I’m not normally one for Valentine’s Day.  I like chocolate and all, but I spent so many Valentine’s Days alone that it’s never been a special occasion for me.  I gave out cheesy paper valentines cards in grade school, and I’ve given chocolate to close friends in past years, but it wasn’t that big a deal.

Valentine’s Day fell on a Monday this year, which is one of my very busy days.  The kind that I don’t want to cook after I come home.  Andrew, on the other hand, doesn’t really have anything on Mondays.  So he offered to cook.  This, my friends, is the result of his effort.  It’s not the fanciest meal, but we had a couple glasses of wine, and ate by candlelight.  I was absolutely tickled.  It made me feel very special.  I thought I would share.